Conventional Thinking…

Parmeet Kaur Sandhu
2 min readMay 28, 2021

On the cold day of December 2019, first case of corona virus was observed by medical experts in Wuhan city which subsequently start spreading over the continents and the world. Everyone is living in the fear of being one of the positive patient. Vaccine for this disease has discovered. I am sure, you are familiar with this and rest of the scenario.

Hello everyone, my name is Parmeet Kaur Sandhu. Today, in my writing, I would like to discuss a topic from Ted X in which a high school student rightly said that, “Corona Virus will never end.” but why? Let’s begin.

It’s impossible to eradicate this virus from our earth due to human’s misbehavior towards nature. Corona virus itself is not a disease it’s a zoonotic disease similar to another zoonotic disease like rabies, plague, salmonellosis and so on. Initially, let me define zoonotic diseases: it is a type of disease which passes from an animal or insect to a human. . The interaction between humans and animals are increasing which human start building complex cities by destroying animal’s habitat which increases the risk of zoonotic disease. The only creature responsible for spreading such disease is human being (we/us). It’s our conventional thinking, from discharge of excess pollution to wildfires are responsible for global warming which is directly proportion to the spreading and rising of new virus and every being on earth are effected by the virus of conventional thinking. But in reality, the above cycle is not so plain; the population gives rise to global warming which results in adverse climate change like sudden change from dry climate to rain fall these sudden changes give origin to species which reach to a person through food and contaminated water.

According to simple system, A results in B; however, as per as conventional system, A responsible for origin of C which rises D, it finally results in B or it might be more complex. Our each and every action impacts positively and negatively on nature. Therefore, we need to change our way of thinking to stop emerging of any another virus. The prevention of arising new virus can be possible, if we all participate to change our conventional thinking and way of living.

